
We all have dreams, many of us will give them up so that they remain a fantasy. How do dreams come true? The process presents a practical model, based on the method of Marsha Vader, the priestess of fulfilling dreams from the US * The 10-step model will take you on a journey that combines declaration of intent, through working with the skeptic and limiting thoughts, After completing the course, I fulfilled my own dream, to become a certified, skilled dream coach, serving my life mission, helping people realize their potential, and being happy.

  • Aggressive, passive and assertive behaviors.
  • People and situations that challenge my assertiveness
  • Conflict resolution
  • Anger management
  • Coping with criticism
  • Setting boundaries
  • Giving compliments
  • ” I’m O.K. you’re O.K.” state of mind
  • Job perception and job entry
  • Managerial identity
  • EQ in management
  • Leadership and management.
  • Interpersonal & organizational communication
  • Discipline feedback
  • Evaluation feedback
  • Employee motivation
  • Change management
  • Awareness of the way we live our lives.
  • Looking into the way we relate to ourselves.
  • The things we value in life
  • Self love and self respect.
  • Our relation to change and the new.
  • Our relation to giving and accepting

Awareness of personal and organizational stress factors

Understanding the contribution of the individual to his experienced stress

Way to cope with stress and avoid burnout

  • What is self awareness?
  • Components of circle communication
  • Handling communication barriers
  • Listening and feedback skills
  • Differences between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviors
  • Conflict resolution styles
  • Personal style in conflict resolution
  • Taking and giving criticism
  • Preparing for occupational interview
  • Interviewer biases
  • Interview a job candidate
  • Reference checking
  • Employees absorption process
  • Appraisals and discipline appraisals -“running repairs”
  • Yearly evaluation
  • Lay off

Escorting managers entering a new job

Working the right combination of learning and settling down.

Analyzing the learning and self adjustment needs.

Determination of managerial credo.

Planning the first meeting with the employees.

Planning the first day /week/ month of the job.